Happy New Year from Miriam and family!
Well what a year 2012 was! First off Miriam and I celebrated the arrival of our newest family member Brian Isaac Reis Morrison. What a miracle and a blessing a baby boy is. He is now 10 old and a whirlwind of activity.
With that addition the 5 us living at Joaquim Nabuco was just too much for 700 SF. So we moved to a beautiful, bigger, 2000SF apartment that we rented with the help of our friend Paulo Angerami from www.rioprivilege.com . As you can see from the photos on the Joaquim Nabuco page we did a small remodeling project and got Joaquim Nabuco ready to rent. It is now available for temporary rental and is still available for Carnaval. We loved living there. It’s a great location.
In Ocotber we sold Almirante Gonzales to a nice woman named Ana Teresa Mello. She loved the apartment and wisely invested in it. It is still available for rental if you want. Just contact Ana 2 anateresa.mello@hotmail.com or our old friend Bobby @ bobby@blameitonrio4travel.com.
This year we plan to be more active here with you all and to invest in more apartment projects. Our newest “thing” is apartments that are in the probate process. What they call “inventario” here in Rio. When a family member, the apartment owner, passes away they leave the apartment to the family. Sometimes there is a will and sometimes not. The process of transferring ownership is an arduous one here that can cost up to 6 percent of the value of the apartment. Sometimes families cannot afford this and sell the aprtments at a discount to get their inheritance. There can be good opportunities had working with these types of situations. Later I will elaborate more on this subject.
So Happy New Year from all of us here at Miriam’s Apartment and stay tuned!
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